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Bathroom Bin Laden

One who takes a huge stinky dump but does claim responsibility when asked directly about it. A synonym for toilet terrorist.

You were in that bathroom a long time. Do you know what is causing that possibly illegal smell? I did it,I am a bathroom bin laden.

by Bigrick9 June 10, 2021

Recycle Bin Hoarder

Person who is deathly afraid to clean out their recycle bin.

Jim is such a recycle bin hoarder. I had to work on his computer today and would you believe he still has files in there from 3 years ago!

by OV Darts February 2, 2011

Ned's Bun Bin

The bin where Ned stores his burger buns, which is identical to the trash can across from it. Legend has it, those who consume the buns on a regular will die a horrible, cheese-sauce filled death.

Ethan: "I'm gonna order a bacon cheeseburger from Ned's"
Kyle: "Nah bro, not Ned's bun bin"
Ethan: Oh shit, my bad b

by カンちゃん얼짱 January 11, 2019

Ich bin gott

I am God - German
Used by wannabe american teenagers on lame massive multiplayer online games.

Joe: Ich bin gott!!!!!
Clint: Ok let me get a gun and shoot you then.

by Fuckthepainaway February 16, 2005

53👍 39👎

Osama Bin Laden

A terrorist who attempts to harm American citizens and soldiers, much like Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and the Confederate Army.

I chuckle when people with Rebel Flags on their pickup trucks talk about how evil Bin Laden is.

by Daniel Peck December 22, 2003

446👍 433👎

bin laden wagon

An airplane.

Bob: Hey man, can you take me to the airport at 7? I have to catch the bin laden wagon at 9:30.

Steve: Sure dude, be careful

by Benevolous June 19, 2013

4👍 1👎

Osama Bin Hiddin

Describing the fact that the International Terrorist Osama Bin Laden Has been hidding since the early 21st century.

Osama bin Hiddin from them drone attacks!!

by Ghost Writter May 2, 2011

4👍 1👎