A socio-economic theory named by the character Captain Samuel Vimes in Terry Pratchet's novel "Men at Arms." The boots theory suggests that wealthy individuals end up spending less money in the long run compared to poorer individuals due to the wealthy being able to invest in high-quality products that last for several years or more, whereas the impoverished must subsist on cheaper, low-quality versions of the same items that only last for a short period of time before needing to be replaced.
"My rich friend is able to buy a pair of boots that cost me two months' salary, and they'll last him forever. I'm stuck buying crappy knock-offs that wear out after only a few weeks. That's boots theory in practice right there."
The one person that gets noticeably drunker than anyone else in the group and/or does something outrageous to earn a wastey boots name.
Erin is doing the monkey in her underwear! Her wastey boots name is now Wastey Monkey Boots.
When a guest over stays their welcome and needs to go.
It's 11 PM you guys need to go. Geez I can't believe we're getting the rude boot again.
An over-zealous volunteer firefighter that is so consumed with firefighters that he obtains pleasure or sexual arousal from sniffing the smoky aroma of bunker-boots of other firefighters. Boot-sniffers are known to visit fire stations while traveling, to secretly fulfill their fetish. Boot sniffers are best identified by excessive firefighter stickers on their vehicle or by their over-use of fire-related t-shirts.
That boot-sniffer loves to wear fire department t-shirts and share firefighter Facebook posts so people will thank him for his service.
The act of putting your foot inside another person's asshole. It's like your wearing a large ugly but warm boot
I'm sorry but Ugg Booting is a Hard Limit for me
A TF2 freak created by STblackST, and is commonly seen stomping people as a oversized boot, or kicking asses back to russia
“This American boot just kicked your ass back to Russia.
1)A high quality illegal or "pirated" copy of a movie or television show.
- The typical "bootleg" of a current movie in theaters is shot with a camcorder and is of very low picture and sound quality. Most of these feature people coughing, laughing or getting up in front of the camera.
- On the other hand, true Boot-Ray discs or digital files are usually taken from DVD screeners and are of higher quality picture and sound because they are ripped from digital files.
Chick: Honey, are we still going to the movies tonight?
Dude: Yeah, I have Avatar and Precious on Boot-Ray.
Chick: Whats that?
Dude: Its like blu-ray but we can watch movies that are in the theaters at home!
Chick: You're so cheap.
Dude: Economy's bad, hoe.