To roughly and heavily deficate, usually in a particularly messy and stinky manner.
I saw my boy Joe dumpin chucks by the shed this morning
To be scatty and unorganised such as forgetting to put a top on in the morning before going to work.
Awww man, I chucked a Baz, I'm not wearing anything today.
the act of getting round house kicked in the face while writing thing about chuck norris
chuck norrised
When you go to a nightclub and dance using moves that involve shapes e.g carboard BOX You generally look really cool.
" are you going manor tonight?"
" yeah, i will be there chucking shapes"
Shady Chuck has a YouTube channel. Over there he makes a wide variety of videos such as "So I auditioned for a FURRY ANIMATED SHOW" and "So I made my discord server into a PRISON". At the time of writing this, he only has 130 subscribers so his current description of "People say I'm pretty funny. And underrated" is very true.
Chuck is a very chilled and easy going person, he often sits back and lets other do the talking. He never tries to take control of a situation which is why so many simp for him. Currently his real name is unknown (probably because he is a serial killer) and nobody knows when he will do a name reveal (and go to prison).
Clout: He has threatened to murder people if they don't subscribe, he declined to play fortnite with me, he didn't stay up gone 5 am to do this video with me.
Last but most important fact: he has more subscribers than me ::(((((
I love Shady Chuck
Shady Chuck is the worst human alive and I hate everything about him and I wish he was never born
I am a simp for Shady Chuck
Pretending to be active pounding out a text, playing games or the like on your smartphone when in actuality your in the camera setting and taking a snapshot of an unsuspecting individual.
While sitting at the bar the bartender leaned over to wash some glasses and I snapped a peeping chuck.
Another word for the boujee town of St. Charles in the suburbs outside of St. Louis.
People from St. Chuck sure don’t like to cross the river