An NFL team with morons as fans. Owned by Tales from the crypt keeper Jerry Jones. Fan base that talks about the glory years and keeps saying stupid phrases like How bout them cowboys or we dem Boys. Might actually be a cult of homosexuals. They’ve practiced their cult rituals since 1960. They claim to be America’s team but America would like to trade them for any of the Canadian football league teams.
The Dallas Cowboys have yet to win another super bowl and it’s 2095. Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of the glory years
The cowboy coon is a erotic act of pleasure between 2 men and a rabid raccoon
Male 1 uses the raccoon to widen his anus for male 2 to get to pound town ( the raccoon is put into a cage and forced to watch the active war crime)
I want to cowboy coon you
The cowboy coon first appeared on (Ram ranch) it is a sexual act where a man sticks a rabid raccoon in his anus leting it run wild. also this pleasure full event expands the (hole) for a male partner
Me and my bros (alex) and (joe) cowboy cooned
Cowboy Bauer is a god of a man. He plays all the instruments but is also the biggest Chad in the world. He has a smug smile that you can see from miles away.
Bro its cowboy Bauer.
A male is going to town with a female from behind, making sure he has a firm grip on her. At this point the male will yell "RODEO!", and a group of his friends bust out of the closet and turn on the light. As the female screams and attempts to flee, the male must ride her like a cowboy, shouting and screaming "YEEHAW!" while a friend with a stopwatch times how long he will last.
Check out this rodeo cowboy. He lasted 15 seconds before she bucked him off.
( an insult used between men only: to metaphorically 'grow an extra pair of balls' ans take ones responsibilities like a grown man
Incompetent teen son: dad I got my girlfriend pregnant. What do I do?
Father: cowboy up and be a dad. And btw, I am busy ( slams door in son's face)