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An autistic man child that also has contracted bipolar 1 disorder that causes random instances of autistic anger and sadness

why are u being such a Devin right now when u could be a chad

by Wgerke October 21, 2019


stinky boy

that fat ass devin stinks

by jhhdbdbnd August 29, 2022


(A fine ass hood nigga that stay fly and get bitches )

Girl1.Aye have you seen that nigga Devin ?

Girl2.Yesss girlll he hella finnne

Girl1.I know girlll like Fr

by Opendeez November 28, 2021


a gay nigga that likes to kiss boys

devin is a gay nigga

by devinlikesboys June 15, 2019


an asshole

I saw devin with satan

by koko96472 November 23, 2021


He got massive cock

"Yo look at devins cock"

by Not a Devin November 9, 2022


A very cool guy, also known as a Biggie Cheese also the type of guy to steal one's virginity and then move to another state days later. It can also be used as a verb as Devinisse which means to abandon or to ignore.

Man, that guy is such a Devin. I asked him on a date yesterday but he Devinissed

by Biggie Cheese the 3rd November 6, 2019