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whiney bunch of cretins, who dont even have to balls to be a real goth. and who generaly need to be beat with a hose until they man up and grow a pair

Life sucks get used to it you whiney emo shit

by _you_know_im_right_ August 15, 2008

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sad person who slits his wrists and crys

John:your wrists are red
Paddy:i tried to slit then with a ketchup packet
John:your an emo
John:i hate you get away from me!

by wee-*im not saying my name* March 8, 2008

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A style or sub-culture of guitar driven music influenced by Post-Punk/Grunge Pop and Rock that usually emphasizes an overt ly 'emotional' attitude of self-loathing, angst and dispair relating to personal relationships or politics.

"I wish my lawn were 'emo' so it would cut itself."

by rickyintampa October 12, 2007

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a style and/or soft rock music genre. often associated with cutting, guys in girl pants, plugs, black, chucks, an overload of eyeliner,striaght black hair with bangs covering at least 45% of the face, sadness, loneliness, posers, and certian bands.

Elton - well, i guess Anne broke up with me.*sigh*
Vicky - thats ok. she dosn't understand you anyway.
Elton - uhh, thats why she broke up with me.
Vicky - at least you can actually have a relationship. *tears swell*
Elton - Vicky, you know i've always felt something for you.
Vicky - Oh, really?
Elton - Nah. But lets go cut up my new chucks anyway.
Vicky - yah. they look aweful when they are clean. *sniff*
Elton - omfg i miss Anne.

by anomous April 23, 2006

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E-- emotionl
M-- madness
O-- overcomes you

the guys are the most fucking hottest in the world

emo guys are hot
bands-- 30 seconds to mars,alesama,fallout boy and lots more i dont feel like mentioning

by emoboysarehot January 4, 2008

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Emo just means emotional it does not mean that you sit alone in your room and cut your self and do drugs. Most emos don't do drugs, cut themselves, have eating disorders or and of that garbage. Pretty much the most radical part of being emo is just being a vegetarian. Being emo is not a bad thing either

There are Plenty of emos who i know and love but one who i can just think of off the top of my head is Pete Wentz he does not do drugs he does not cut himself the most radical thing he does is wear eyeliner. and as a mater of fact i am emo the most radical thing i have done is gone Veg.

by Jtm13575 October 23, 2007

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someone with long hair, normally think theyre individual.
i am one. stereotyped to write poetry and slit thier wrists. i slit my wrists too. most people think theyre gay. I NOT GAY. lots if people hate them. supposedly were black eyeliner.

Chav1- he go cry emo boy
Chav2- ye go cry
Chav3- ye (chavs are pack animals see)
emo1- conformist
emo2- ye (emos only stick together for protection from "emo hunters" i.e. chavs.)
Chavs- go cry boo hoo etc
emo1- get lost or i'll slit your wrist!
Chavs back away in fear.

by jackthespacklingemo June 14, 2007

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