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Hentai is anime pornography, or generally any sort of animated adult films. Hentai is a great substitute for actual Pornography, yet it is not bound by the shackles of realty. Proportions can and will be skewed, In a often positive way. Thus if one has a vision, one can create art of it. These words are not mine, they are used for a rule of society, the name of the rule is Rule 34"if something exists in real life, or is made up, there will be a pornographic depiction of it." I believe you may understand the possibilities with this. If there is a film, game, show and book you enjoy, rather then finding human actors to play the characters, you could find art or animated pornography of the characters. Certain cons with hentai are common ones, CGI. Computer-generated imagery is often a flaw with anime as a hole, as it is, CGI is cheaper then hand drawn films. But it is quite easy to fail on the animation on the CGI. Yes there are flaws, with the CGI or flawed animations, the pros that come with hentai, I know, out way the cons. At the end of the day, we can all agree we need a escape from the real world sometimes, and I believe that hentai is the way to do so. And as my final argument, have you seen Mother Knows Breast, its a fucking masterpiece.

"hentai is the best" Said everyone

by That one guy from that one tim November 22, 2022


1. (ヘンタイ)Japanese-style animated pornography

2. (変態)Japanese word for a creep, or a pervert

3. (変体仮名)(Hentaigana) a writing system used in old Japanese to show the phonetic value of a character

I’m gonna go watch some hentai.

死ね変態!(Shine, Hentai!) - die, you pervert!

Hantaigana is my favorite writing system.

by alexjk2004 November 29, 2019


Youre a sussy baka


by Tino'sboner December 13, 2021


anime sex. It’s just like porn, but anime edition.

Hey, do you want to watch some hentai with me?

by that weeb November 15, 2020


henati is a art form

hentai is love hentai is life

by weebman123123123123 November 27, 2018


the most popular (and also the best) japanese porn category

We're gonna watch hentai with my friend

by Berny Gurr April 23, 2023


dont watch it

person 1: some1 said to watch hentai
person 2: oh fuck

by jiji lol November 26, 2021