when you're as high as the gas prices
Dude 1: Bro, how high are you?
Dude 2: Bro, I am as high as gas
Dude 1: wow thats really fucking high
The act of being high enough to eat an entire cheese wheel.
Dude... how high are you??
Bro... im cheesewheel high.
When someone from a poor country moves into a rich country and forgets their previous poor status. They begin to recklessly spend money on dumb expensive shit or ask other people for money to buy dumb shit. Bonus points if they develop a superiority complex.
Dude 1 - Dude did you hear about the new guy from (insert poor country), he bought 800$ Gucci Shoes!
Dude 2 - Yeah, I would feel bad about his border high, but he is an arrogant dick.
High surveillance is a toxic twitch streamer that mainly plays dead by daylight. He is known to be a camper and a tunneler as well as a hacker.
Have you ever watched high surveillance and then wanted to quit dead by daylight?
When a Person gets High and they will not shut the fuck up about anything and you would like to punch them in the face.
Cooper please shut the fuck up you always get high annoyingness and never shut up.
When you wake up the next morning after being baked and you still feel slightly high
Bro I smoked so much dope last night that I had a hanging high the whole next day.
If yer daddy gets that job up at the bank, we's goin' be in high cotton.
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