The alterative to 'Eskimo Hug'
Where a female squeezes the male genitals usually to greet or to say goodbye to them.
(This is not how they hug...I don't think)
'Did you see that, Paul?'
'That woman just squeezed my balls!'
'Mate, she gave you an Inuit Hug'
being able to feel the feeling of getting hugged/having someone hug you when you haven’t been physically hugged
“he was so lost in his thoughts about how much he misses her, he started feeling phantom hugs”
When your friend Rory sucks and strokes on your wee pecker
Rory gave me a mean dublin hug last night at the pub!
Property hug (kiss):
A hug or kiss usually between a couple and is used in front of another person (purposfully) to show "ownership or property" of the other person. Usually to give someone the hint of "he/she is mine".
**Can also be used to claim a best friend**
Jenny: I finally went to talk to Ben
Sam: And?? Did you get to?
Jenny: No, before I got to him, Jayne saw me and went to give Ben a property hug
When you see someone at a barbecue and without realizing hugging that person whilst still holding your burger.
I was so happy to see Jane I didn't realize I gave her a burger hug!
*The act of drawing a friend in for a hug, locking them in said embrace and urinating. The desired effect being that the hugger's urine is visible on the the huggee.
*Said act is best performed whilst intoxicated, for as sobered minds prevail, the amusement starkly declines.
I have to take another shower cause Joey was screwing around and hobo hugged me before my date.
hobo FingA Grandpa Hug