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International House of Pancakes

A crappy restaurant also known as IHOP, where it's breakfast all the time. The majority of customers are all fat drunk people, and the kitchen staff are all Hispanic teenagers that are so stoned that they can't even cook properly.

If ya don't care about puking later on, then this place is for you!

Mark was very hungry after his night of boozing so he went to International House of Pancakes. There his pancakes were served to him soggy and undercooked and his sausages charred black by the stoned 18 year old Mexican cook.

by Metalhead83 October 6, 2011

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International Heart throb

A person who travels around the world throbbing

Ryan Gosling is a professional International Heart Throb.

by SteveTheFrisbeeGuy August 6, 2021

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International play girl

An international play girl is a girl with their name starting with a D. She is very shy but can take big dick. She has many friends and many simp. She probably takes huge shots and will stink the whole house up. If you ever run into one, ask her how big her shit is!

You see that girl right there, she’s an international play girl!

by Big D Brayan January 8, 2021

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To internalize cancel culture

To literally behave like Musolinni's blackshirts

Why are we trying to internalize cancel culture? Are we better or worse than Musolinni's blackshirts?

by Sexydimma May 24, 2021

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Internal Black Violation

A thought or action you keep to yourself, because disclosure could cause others to question your credibility as a proud, up-to-date, "true" black person aligned with African-American cultural norms.

The term was discussed by radio personalities Anji Corley and Mike Brooks during WPGC 95.5 FM's morning broadcast on Feb. 2, 2010.

A black person may conceal, as an Internal Black Violation (IBV), the fact s/he enjoys country music. The listening preference is the Black Violation, and the concealment makes it Internal.

by SuperJG February 3, 2010

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international school of luxembourg

Awesome school & necis players

The international school of luxembourg is awesome school and has strong necis players

by fsenes December 12, 2016

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british vietnamese international school

A camouflage vietnamese school that sucking (took) its budget from the british international school. Many children here suffers from heightism and debts.

Jun: You know what's worse than capitalism?
Tom: what
Jun: british vietnamese international school!
Tom: Damn straight

by DucHuy-peasant February 21, 2022