To reject a claim in disbelief. To deny a statement due to incomprehensible facts or lack of remembrance possibly due to drug such as LSD/Acid. Common among the spoiled teens of Redlands.
Drugee: Who's this guy? Mr. Balloons.. Mr. Balloon Hands.. No way.. No way!! Get real! Like dose dings.. Mr. Walkway. Mr. Walk Down Me I'm a Walkway. Lead me to the building.. Fuck you! 5643? YEAH RIGHT!! Stupid Bitch! Who paid for that floor???
70๐ 64๐
When somone is acting dumb you tell them to GET RIGHT
Bobby was acting a fool so jordan told him to GET RIGHT
53๐ 46๐
Someone flamboyantly unbalanced or wildly eccentric. Mad hatter
A loon
14๐ 8๐
The rights that every single person has, and that some ignorant people choose to ignore
Jim: DaQuan! today LGBT marriage is legal in all states!
DaQuan: but all LGBT are faggots
Jim: what an asshole
Equal Rights are rights that are equal for everyone
23๐ 17๐
- rights for gay people, and the main right that gay people want to have is the right to marry. it s a "hot button" issue in america, with most demorcrats for it and most republicans against it. you don t have to be gay to be in favor of gay rights, many straight people are open minded, respect diversity, and belive in freedom. but others want to force their religion on every one else like they have never heard of "seperation of church and state". if you think gay people choose to be gay, did you choose to be straight? did you choose to be attracted to blonde, red, or brown hair? blue, green, or brown eyes? big or small boobs? curvy, skinny, althletic, or petite bodies? you can t chose what turns you on, and you definately can t choose who you fall in love with. we fought for interacial marriage and now gay marriage. gay marriage doesn t hurt anyone, so maybe we should worry about things that do like the war...
how would you feel if straight marriage were outlawed? gay rights is equal rights!
203๐ 205๐
mexican slang used in place of "that's cool", "bad ass!", "hell yea!", "for shizzle", etc.
1) Look at that naked bitch over there! BEEN RIGHT!
2) Bob: Let's smoke some crack and then go scuba diving.
8๐ 4๐
The beer left in the pitcher after 3 pints have been poured is deemed buyer's right. That is, they can lay claim to the remaining beer.
Trevor claimed buyer's right and finished up the the pitcher
8๐ 4๐