The cosmic principle that dictates that whenever you kill a spider, a larger spider will scare you at some point in the future.
I safely catch the spider in a cup to release him outside so I can maintain good spider karma.
The act of having a argument about something being more or less right than the other so you google it and you were right
Friend: Did you know Mcdonalds is better than wendy's?
You: No mcdonalds SUCKS
Friend: Im sorry what did you just say?
You: i said mcdonald's sucks!!
Friend: Well at least mcdonalds has real meat and unrefrigerated
You: Ok i'll google it
You: *Shows that i'm right*
Friend: Thats fake
You: Stop denying it thats just googles karma
A word used to refer to edgy virgin teenager addicted Karmawhoring on Reddit.
Anon:- Man, Karma is such a Karma Demon!
Karma:- Fuck You! And I see you at work.
The person who i can go to whenever i feel low
A person who understands the best in me
Ego issues but generally all good<33
You look like karma yeshe tsomo
The feeling others get when responding to your requests based on your public performances and/or notoriety.
Vito: Ryan should I smash this apple on Bams head?
Dunn: Vito IDKWYJS I’m browsing reddit.
Vito: Alrighfdtywrraa Idon givafukabhgout worldStar or cloutfarms.
Knoxville: adjusts bifocals 🤓
Vito: “raises arm w/ hostility. tell me wher Bams aterallahsmasha clart farmers.
Knoxville: take it easy big fella I got money’s,”*shifty eyed*, here take a couple benjis, and lemme see if I can’t “polish” that apple for you…” just in case you wanna let Bam have it.
you know how he feels about your body. treat it like temples temple, Listening to Tom Templeton. *Grabs apple and wipes his ass with it, hands it back to Don Vito” Here I added feces to your apple, think of this like adding Clout to your Karma.
Vito’s dog: *nods* N Farts
Vito: Gimmegrahgagapplekgraplfkpe
Bam runs out of the pantry and starts slapping Don Vito’s bare back while
Knoxville laughs intently, Vito Pirouettes, smashes apple on Bam, templetons greatest hits start playing on a record player. Vito’s dog dances, money rains down from ceiling. Bam wipes apple sauce off his Facebook smirks and says why does this apple smell like shit. Scoops handfuls of money off the ground saying “this feels like enough cash to buy a website and tell people to dive into stuff, but do you think people would willingly just dive into shit because I told them to and have more Clout Karma then the San Francisco 49ers.
Vito: Of course youfukingknuklhegGdg uratheaBamMaRgera!”
The feeling others get when responding to your requests based on your public performances and/or notoriety.
Vito: Ryan should I smash this apple on Bams head?
Dunn: Vito IDKWYJS I’m browsing reddit.
Vito: Alrighfdtywrraa Idon givafukabhgout worldStar or cloutfarms.
Knoxville: adjusts bifocals 🤓
Vito: “raises arm w/ hostility. tell me wher Bams aterallahsmasha clart farmers.
Knoxville: take it easy big fella I got money’s,”*shifty eyed*, here take a couple benjis, and lemme see if I can’t “polish” that apple for you…” just in case you wanna let Bam have it.
you know how he feels about your body. treat it like temples temple, Listening to Tom Templeton. *Grabs apple and wipes his ass with it, hands it back to Don Vito” Here I added feces to your apple, think of this like adding Clout to your Karma.
Vito’s dog: *nods* N Farts
Vito: Gimmegrahgagapplekgraplfkpe
Bam runs out of the pantry and starts slapping Don Vito’s bare back while
Knoxville laughs intently, Vito Pirouettes, smashes apple on Bam, templetons greatest hits start playing on a record player. Vito’s dog dances, money rains down from ceiling. Bam wipes apple sauce off his Facebook smirks and says why does this apple smell like shit. Scoops handfuls of money off the ground saying “this feels like enough cheese to buy a website and tell people to dive into stuff, but do you think people would willingly just dive into shit because I told them to and have more Clout Karma then the San Francisco 49ers.
Vito: Of course youfukingknuklhegGdg uratheaBamMaRgera!”