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Little guy

1. A familiar way to reference to your, or someone elses son or younger male sibling.
2. A less obvious way of describing a gram or small amount of drugs.

"I took the little guy to a baseball game."
Person A:"What are you looking for?"
Person B:"Just a little guy tonight."

by Turkey151 January 9, 2008

23πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

little penis

A small dick usually seen on the body of a liitle kid. Sometimes can be embarassing.

Mike has such a little penis that's it's like circle jerking with a five year old.

When I was showering after gym and saw Tim's little penis it was like showering with a baby.

by Urban Slang Master April 4, 2006

87πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

Little Hitler

Little Hitler is a shaving and trimming short of a women's pubic area.This leaves a small short haired patch of hair that looks like a mustache. Although most men prefer women with shaved pussy, the little hitler is a second best.

Check out the Little Hitler on that Babe!!

by Doug Hightower September 3, 2005

134πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

little apple

City of Manhattan, KS.

"She's a little apple girl"

by Mike Laurie June 7, 2006

31πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Little Buddy

Person who does everything to convince you that they are your best friend while stabbing you in the back at the same time.

Nickname given to someone who strategically moved in on your ex through a series of events that took place prior to your breakup and behind your back.

Nickname given to someone who is manipulative, can’t keep a secret, has severe self esteem issues, plays friends against each other, and will do anything to get laid.

An acquaintance that you randomly discover copies your habits through the art of facebook stalking (i.e. purchases, dating habits, and even shows up at events uninvited).

Nickname give to someone who goes after your girl (behind your back) only after you showed them her picture as a result of them appearing to be genially intrigued and happy for your new found love affair.

A nickname given to an acquaintance that doesn’t know the difference between the right and wrong time to tell the inappropriate story about you.

Friend: Hey man, look who just walked in the door.....Little Buddy (LB) decided to showed up! You: Thank god, I so can't wait to be C-blocked all night long.

Your friend walks up to you wearing a new pair of boots that you facebooked about just a day ago and says to you β€œGreat minds think alike!” Little Buddy Style.

While sitting in back seat of the car on the way back from the bar with the local hottie, Little Buddy decides to talk about my ex-girlfriends.

by pimpporsche December 14, 2010

69πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Little kid

Girls 10 and under, boys 12 and under.

Little 9 year old: I WORSHIP Miley!
13 year old: Screw off, asshole. You're a stupid little kid.

by Mama mia! January 19, 2010

67πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

little girl

A child that is a girl.

Kalee is a little girl.

by Matilda/brianna March 4, 2006

109πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž