All the people who just got Black Ops for Christmas. Resulting in many free kills and fun.
Look at all these Christmas noobs, no prestige and under level 20.
57๐ 17๐
A play style in Call of Duty 4 online games. Consists of using the rifle-mounted grenade launcher as your ONLY weapon. Some may mistake a well-timed blast as noob tubing, but most noob tubers prefer to be up close, as this makes the enemy bigger and easier for them to hit even when having a seizure-like fit of noobishness after realizing that they have scored a mere 11 kills to their 21 deaths during the match.
Noob-tubing will often give the noob a rush of energy and a feeling that they are "uber l337 pwning". Experienced players will laugh at this, knowing full well that were a noob to possess "pwnage" the universe would fold in on itself.
Noob- UAHAHAHA BANGBANGBANG *Noob tubes* PWNT *teafrags*
JP- *pwns with actual pwnage* Don't teafrag in the middle of a firefight, dumbass. Down with Noob tubing!
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someone who plays fps or mmorpg games and kills noobs because he can't kill real men who like sausages
Noob hurter:i ill j00 n00b argh
they fight the death the noob hurter wins
Noob hurter:N00b i 0wn j00 bitch
48๐ 14๐
1. The time of day at which there is a spike in the amount of nOObz online. Generally one will see a sharp increase of nOOb encounters around 3:45, Monday through Friday, due to the end of the school day. nOOb-thirty occurs for the better part of a whole weekend as well.
2. This can also be an expression used by a skilled gamer to let other gamers know s/he is now online.
1. Bobby: What the F**K, that is the 6th time in a row I've been killed by a grenade launcher!!!
Tommy: Bobby, check the time....
Bobby: Aww shit, it's nOOb-thirty already?
2. Hastro: Guess what's nOOb-thirty, get ready to be pwned!!!
9๐ 1๐
dnail;e is a big big biiiiig noooooooob he is so noooooooooob when you talk to danieolm you will lose braincells because ehe is so noooooooooob
you: hello daniel
dniel: hello
you' *loses braincells because noob daniel*
10๐ 1๐
People who pay for advantages in-game are often called "premiums" or "premium players".
Noobs are people who cant play the computer game to any sort of skill level.
Premium Noobs are people who pay for unfair advantages in-game, as without them paying for the advantages, they are just noobs who can't play the game properly.
Guy1: "Hey, Guy2 has a weapon that's damage statistics have been boosted"
Guy2: "I had to pay for this you know"
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The Noob/N00b of Noobs/N00bs. This is because if you haven't noticed, in videogames, the princess is always stupid and makes the main character do all her work! So if there is a person EXCEPTIONALLY stupid or lame the proper term is, Noob Princess.
When a person askes what 2 + 2 is, that person would be a "Noob Princess."
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