1. Someone who likes a specific type of cock a ball torture, in which they walk on a tight rope and drop onto it with their testicles. The higher the rope is, the better.
2. A type of cock and ball torture in which a person walks on a tight rope and drops onto it with their testicles. The higher the rope is, the better it feels.
"Yo, what's up with Michael? Why is he always on a tight rope?" "Oh, it's the only way he gets off. He's a big fuckin' nut rope".
Usually used to ask someone if they want to smoke marijuana.
often times it is used casually stern.
Rope Bowls:
Hey kevin, do you want to rope a bowl?
- pops his head in his friends window- "RB."
- friend- " Down "
Teacher- "what are you guys doing over their?"
Karren- " Roping bowls"
The Siberian rope battle is where the female and male share a sex toy from ass to ass creating a rope pulling contest.
Dude she wanted to do the Siberian rope battle with me last night.
A polite way of telling someone to fuck off, get shafted, or get bent. Solely to be used in a negative connotation.
Another way of saying Bless your heart.
"Hey buddy why don't you go skin a rope."
"My boss wanted me to work more overtime after putting in a 70 hour week. I told him to go skin a rope."
An unspoken, dual-definition phrase invented by two scholars one night. After edibles.
It can mean the following. Either:
1) A person possessing a large member/dong/phallus/dick. Like "packing heat"
2) Holding in a shit real bad to the point you feel it unfurl upon exiting.
Can mean either in the following example:
Person 1: "Where's Jason gone?"
Person 2: "He's holding rope, had to go sort it out"
Derogatory term for an individual who rock climbs.
"look at that dirty rope monkey climbing on the wall!"
Someone who gets to a theme park before it opens to be first to get in.
It is 6AM why is disney already so busy??? Rope Droppers