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Nut Rope

1. Someone who likes a specific type of cock a ball torture, in which they walk on a tight rope and drop onto it with their testicles. The higher the rope is, the better.

2. A type of cock and ball torture in which a person walks on a tight rope and drops onto it with their testicles. The higher the rope is, the better it feels.

"Yo, what's up with Michael? Why is he always on a tight rope?" "Oh, it's the only way he gets off. He's a big fuckin' nut rope".

by Cool Guy 198712436 January 19, 2020

Rope Bowls

Usually used to ask someone if they want to smoke marijuana.
often times it is used casually stern.

Rope Bowls:

Hey kevin, do you want to rope a bowl?

- pops his head in his friends window- "RB."
- friend- " Down "

Teacher- "what are you guys doing over their?"
Karren- " Roping bowls"

by 06macaroni July 27, 2012

Siberian rope battle

The Siberian rope battle is where the female and male share a sex toy from ass to ass creating a rope pulling contest.

Dude she wanted to do the Siberian rope battle with me last night.

by Nothing2018 October 31, 2018

Skin A Rope

A polite way of telling someone to fuck off, get shafted, or get bent. Solely to be used in a negative connotation.

Another way of saying Bless your heart.

"Hey buddy why don't you go skin a rope."

"My boss wanted me to work more overtime after putting in a 70 hour week. I told him to go skin a rope."

by Otto B April 14, 2019

Holding Rope

An unspoken, dual-definition phrase invented by two scholars one night. After edibles.

It can mean the following. Either:

1) A person possessing a large member/dong/phallus/dick. Like "packing heat"
2) Holding in a shit real bad to the point you feel it unfurl upon exiting.

Can mean either in the following example:

Person 1: "Where's Jason gone?"
Person 2: "He's holding rope, had to go sort it out"

by Dr. OA PhD. & King KSwizz April 23, 2020

Rope monkey

Derogatory term for an individual who rock climbs.

"look at that dirty rope monkey climbing on the wall!"

by Darthcali August 18, 2017

rope dropper

Someone who gets to a theme park before it opens to be first to get in.

It is 6AM why is disney already so busy??? Rope Droppers

by Mr Beat July 8, 2024