Source Code

Bus List

A list of people you want to see hit by a bus.

Did you see that crook Blagojevich is writing a tell-all book about political corruption? What an asshole! He's definitely on my Bus List.

by Rye! March 3, 2009

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Bus Butt

The rear end of a public transit bus which sticks out into traffic when it stops for passengers, thus rendering cars unable to pass.

"I hate driving in that lane, you get bus butt the whole way!"
"I am going to miss the next light because of this bus butt"

by damoi September 3, 2009

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bus bunny

A person who rides the city bus for the expressed purpose of flirting with the bus driver.

That bus bunny rides the bus all day.

by Zooey Mama March 17, 2017

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Bus Whore

A person who feels as though they have to flirt or whore around with every member of the oppsite sex on the bus to make themsleves feel important. The Bus Whore will probably end up dating multiple people on the bus and will have very big commitment problems with them. He will probably end up going out with them for a week or so and break up with them out of boredom and then move on to his next victim.

"Hey Lulu look at that douche whose going out with the bus whore." " Wow Brando what an idoit , there only gonna be together until that manwhore gets bored"

by fictional_reality27 July 9, 2006

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NFI bus

An integral part of your computer (or any other piece of equiptment) which can randomly malfunction, causing a variety of issues and complaints, but which will then work the next day and/or the minute a tech looks at it. This allows the tech to take credit for fixing your computer, when in reality they have NFI what was wrong with it in the first place or how they got it to work.

Also used to appease or confuse technology-challenged users who demand to know what broke (even though they won't understand what you tell them).

-Tech pokes monitor, computer boots up-
Tech: Your computer's all fixed, ma'am.
Lady: Oh, that's lovely. Did you figure out the problem?
Tech: Uh, yeah... You see, your, uh, NFI bus wasn't interfacing properly with the-
Lady: Wow, that sounds complicated! Thanks for all your hard work, I'm surprised you could get it done so fast!

by aahhelp July 21, 2006

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Bus Ass

A women that is very tall and has a flat ass.

Bob: Oh man, look at that bus ass.
Bill: Take one for the team Bob.

by TeHeLaugh January 20, 2008

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spacker bus

our next door neighbours bus. a fiat scudo lol similar to spacker eh? its a taxi used to transport his window lickers to school

fiat scudo spacker bus type effergy

by jay1985 October 3, 2006

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