Source Code

Turn some corners

To make something happen/Get things started

Yo brittany lets get to the club and turn some corners

by TheKnowItAll2.0 August 6, 2015

swedish turn signal

the female version of the dutch rudder. when a girl inserts her finger into her vagina and the other girl moves her hand.

My college roommate gave me a swedish turn signal until i came all over my hand.

by fez dispenser September 10, 2009

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Nigged out of turn

-Phrase- While smoking, when someone skipped out of turn

Paul was nigged out of turn when the bong was passed in the wrong direction.
ADDENDUM: REPERATION: When aknowledgement is made that someone was in fact nigged out of turn, the act of reinstating someones rights in the rotation and then gets an extra hit for compensation.

by Sir Smokes Alot January 3, 2008

74πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

German U-Turn

The act of shagging a male and /or female in the arse while in the missionary position. In some cases requiring a bent or large and slightly flacid penis, due to required bending.

Joseph: So what did you two get up to last night?
James: I was on top, then decided to flop out the German U-Turn . . . straight in the arse!!1 haha
Joseph: NICE!!!!

by Joseph OsBeel Davey May 15, 2008

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

the turning stone casino

A place where Uticans go when they want to go out fancy style. The lack of sophistication in Uticans make it a great place for trash of every color put on their best Target outfit and pretend to be bigly. Many believe this is fine dining. It's more like a Golden Coral with gambling. Nothing screams fine dining like a buffet. The club is filled with middle aged people that used to love JJ's and are still willing to bar fight. Great place to find the next loser with a gambling problem that you want to date. Don't forget to post your small amount of cash fanned out to social media.

Hey, yous goin up ta the Turning stone casino tonight? We're gonna see Benny Mardones. I've got my new knock of bag and a gram. It's going to be so cool.

by letsget along May 29, 2017

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turn of screen time

Screen time is such A fucking terrible thing and for most of our parents love it like to turn it of and have our freedom is impossible and it fucks with teens or kids and honestly we all want freedom I don’t give a shit on how long it’s going to take well alaawa find a way to not have it like to turn it of it’s like 47 calls cuz I always hang up

That one kid who doesn’t have screen time :wanna play Roblox

Me with the screen time :sure let me ask.screams to dad* can you turn of screen time my friend is here

The bitch who won’t turn it off: NO!
Me in my brain :I’m going to put him in a nursing home !

by MISH GURL YURRRRR November 21, 2021

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Turn down for what

an annoying song that doesn't really say anything. It repeats the same phrase over and over. It has a slightly catchy beat and that is about all.

Person: Writing music is really hard, I don't think I will ever write a song.

Producer: Bullshit, just look at that song turn down for what! All you have to do is make a beat and repeat yourself for 4-5 minutes.

by MrHobbes69 June 22, 2014

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