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When one is very tired/sore due to the extreme playing of a sport the day before.

Nah dude I have the worst sports-over from the basketball tournament last night.

by snakebait69 June 13, 2011

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Anything made by stuff made here

This lock is over-engineered

by Hello there me me June 1, 2021

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over juker

When a football player uses an excessive amount of jukes when running the ball.

Auburn quarterback Kodi Burns is an over juker.

by Larry H January 2, 2008

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over deathtimate

This is what our fucking national news media does every fucking time some nut starts killing people or some tragedy takes place. It's also the reason the news now calls one soldier 'a troop' as in 25 Troops were killed today. It starts with some saddened faced motherfucker female or male and they always start high with the death count from 'anonymous sources' and hope that they're are babies and pregnant women involved because it sounds a lot more tragic! Any death is tragic but our 'man bites dog' fucking media hopes for a high death count whether it be war, some psycho, plane crash, tornado, hurricane etc. Fuck you to all news networks everywhere you fucking shameless death mongers.

BREAKING NEWS: There was a 'massacre' at a high school today and there are 41 known dead... BREAKING NEWS: We just found out there are only 38 known dead... 32....29....27....19.....11.... BREAKING NEWS!!! Massacre at the high school continues with this update!! 3 people were killed today in a High School massacre!! Two of them were the gunmen..... BREAKING NEWS, the high school student is wounded but in stable condition but the two gunmen are dead in this 'HIGH SCHOOL MASSACRE'!! More to follow...I hope our breaking news helped to 'over deathtimate' the death count so it sounded a lot larger of a number that had died and more of a tragedy to all of you reality fucking morons out there!!

by Florida Sunshine November 15, 2009

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A hairstyle worn by men who are balding in the middle of their head. The hair is grown long on one side of the head, and then combed over the bald spot and sprayed stiff, to cover up the bald spot.

That geezer's comb-over makes him look like he actually has hair!

by Jannine December 26, 2003

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having characteristics of that which has high capacitation

1. "yo bitch, yo titties is over-capacitatin' my face!"

2. "the party is getting a little over-capacitated, so you should get the fuck out"

3. "get over here and over-capacitate my face with yo titties bitch"

by stryphrev January 22, 2009

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over descriptive

What do you think? A.K.A. "Too Much Information"

Insead of saying, "I'm gonna take a dump" Joe was over descriptive and said, "I'm gonna sit on a block of porcelin and let a huge, brown chunk slide out of my ass and into a lake of previously-white water, turning it into a swamp of organic toxic waste."

by Katsu Moriyama May 6, 2003

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