corronaickles are physical icicles but made out of corrona virus so you get a nice fresh taste of chinese bat soup (the little bitches ate anything that moves , fat cunt)but they are now in pancakes for $11K and free for the chinese
PS the bunney is chinese.
chinese: want pancake with corronaickles
sam: "sam run into the sun" no
chinese:they only $11k
A pack of cigarettes
Drew offered Josh some smokey pancakes, then to their surprise, Bear already smoked them, the sack of shit.
When a cat flattens itself belly down on the floor
Spanky will do the pancake move on the tile floor to cool herself down on a hot day.
Definition 1: when someone pours ranch on pancakes.
Definition 2: when a man ejaculates on a flat buttocks.
Bro 1: did you have a good night with ole girl?
Bro 2: yeah i put ranch on the pancakes.
The name given to a flow of liquefied faeces that escapes a woman's rectum and settles and dries onto a mattress resembling a burnt pancake. The burnt pancake is created after partaking in furiously hard and fast anal sex with a long rod that withdraws at the point of her orgasm. If timed correctly the faecal matter flows out spreads to settle on the mattress and then left to dry.
His long rod pummeled her backdoor and just as her body started to shake he withdrew with perfect timing and served up a perfectly formed burnt pancake on the mattress
A method of wrestling-like slamming which involves taking your opponent already on the ground and flattening them with your back like a spatula would to a pancake. Also deriving its name from the move NFL offensive tackle Orlando Pace would perform to opposing linebackers, the pancake block, but reverse
A: Yo, you seen dat Bernie Mac thing from the Bernie Mac show?
B: The one where he does the reverse pancake at the store over a box of cereal?
A: Yeeeeeeah.
n - Pancake Special
A Pancake Special is a deal at a family restaurant in which the pancakes are either ENDLESS, or very cheap. Subsequently this brings people into disgusting restaurants like IHOP and Denny's.
n / v - pancake special
A Pancake special is the eccentric use of male semen to emulate butter in an erotic situation. Usually strategically placed between the gluteal muscles of the recipient. Then the fatty tissue around the glutes is slapped back in forth as to help MELT the butter, and or SPREAD the special sauce. However, this verb is also applicable to those with morbid obesity and their Panniculus, also known as fat rolls. Spread it here, there, enjoy it everywhere.
Definition 1 N -
Persons 1: Hey did you go to the IHOP pancake special? I texted you about it.
Persons 2: Actually no, IHOP is fucking disgusting. I would rather eat rubber.
Definition 2 N -
Friend 1: My and my boyfriend are going to give this new thing called pancake special a try tonight in the, you know...
Friend 2: What is the world is a pancake special?
Friend 1: Well, you see right when he is about to cum, he pulls out and -
Friend 2: Fuck you, I don't want to know another really crazy over-the-top urban dictionary euphemism for experimental erotic gratification.
V -
Friend 1: I pancake special-ed my girlfriend last night, we tried under her muffin-top this time.
Friend 2: You... Sick.. Fuck...