To void excrement from the bowels through the anus. Drop a deuce, defecate.
Someone who has "virgin ears". Others think of doing a drum roll on their "virgin" ear drums.
Pinche Drumroll has virgin ears.
To pinch ones flow, as in a bad situation occuring, or someone causing a bad situation. A real flow pinch would be when some guy is going to the bathroom and another person grabs his dick and "pinches his flow. This phrase can be used in almost any bad situation
One guy is with a girl and is about to have sex with her, and his bro walks in and turns on the TV and starts to watch. The guy who is about to get some shouts back "Dude what a flow pinch"
The act of someone’s testicles, crotch, genitals, nuts, genitalia, groin being pinched by other male or female.this cause’s extreme pain in said nuts for the usually unwilling nut pinch to the male genitalia/nuts
Guy 1: “hey man I nut pinched guy 3, and he fell to the floor but wail he had been laying there he reached for my nuts and nut squeezed me”
Guy 2: wow you to I also nut pinched guy 3. but he had done nothing yet to me”
Guy 1: I’m pretty sure I had nut squeezed him today”
Guy 3 runs up to guy 1 & 2 reached down there pants garbed there nuts and did a nut squeeze
When a man or she males underwear pinches they're testicals.
In class I saw Johnny doing something under the table so I asked him what he was doing after class and he said "GOD DAMN I HAD A NUT PINCH!!"
The result of an injury ending with a blood blister.
Ouch! That’s going to leave a pinch bubble!
The pliers caught my finger and left a pinch bubble!
How'd you get that pinch bubble?