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Fornix play

Stimulation of the vagina, either around the anterior or posterior fornix. Typically reached with a dildo, or a longer penis (over 7 inches). The anterior fornix (A spot) is the area on the near-side of the cervix to the entrance or the vagina, while the posterior fornix (see P spot, O spot, Deep spot) is behind or beyond the cervix. The P spot is also called the Pouch of Douglas, or cul de sac (since this is the "end" of the vagina). Stimulation of the P spot has that "hurts so good" feeling, and can trigger intense orgasms, emanating from deep inside the body, lasting 20-30 seconds.

Sarah: hey roomie, how was last night with Sam? You were pretty loud.
Sheila: he was really deep, and kept up with that fornix play. I felt like I was flying.

by Caseyq December 16, 2019

Switch the Play

1. To change scenery
2. To stray from the normal

3. To do something new

Hey bro this party sucks! Let's switch the play.

by Md_11 June 29, 2018

playing clown

The act of blowing up balloons with nitrous, and inhaling them while on psychedelics to enhance visuals. The key to playing clown is replicating the sound of a balloon being blown up by a clown at a party, or by a wook at a music festival.

Bro 1: Did you hear those balloons being filled up at our neighbors campsite until 4:30 am last night?

Bro 2: Sounds like they were playing clown.

by rslock February 13, 2021

end of play

End of the day

I will get that report to you by end of play.

by Sxrxh February 17, 2022

Play to win

Games that let you gain better items to dominate other players when you level up by playing the game a lot.

John: I just bought Call Of Duty , it’s so fun!
Jack: Ugh, I hate COD. That game is Play To Win. Only half of it is actual skill.

by TeIepathy June 6, 2020

Bust a play

When a scammer commits a type of scam such as wire fraud, credit dumps, etc.

Aye bro im finna bust a play rq, you comin?

by Acharid84737 August 2, 2023

peep the play

Peep the play meaning; listen up, another way to completely say "check it out." Peep the play a frase that will be used while getting the attention of others.

Peep the play, one of my cars need a car wash.

by Skid Airborn May 25, 2021