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Politically Correct

Not an asshole.

Whiny Guy: Why do people want me to be politically correct all the time? Boo hoo!
Reasonable Guy: You mean not an asshole?

by Something Else October 27, 2014

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Political Elite

A person, regardless of party affiliation, who thinks that they are better than another person, simply because of their alignment with a particular political party/cause/opinion/etc., and as such, exhibits anger and/or animosity towards another person because they have a different view/opinion.

A precise contradiction of tolerance and acceptance of others, based purely in political/sociological prejudice.

"I'm, like, so totally open minded and accept everybody for who they are. What? What do you mean you voted for a Republican? You baby-killing, seal-clubbing Nazi! How dare you not agree with me! You're just like Hitler"


"I can't believe those God-hating, hippie, drug-addicts. How dare they want health-care reform! Don't they know that prayer will fix all their ills? If they want health-care, they should just go get a job."


"You're such a political elite(ist) douche-bag! Why would you start screaming at me, calling me names, and attacking what you perceived as my political affiliation, because I had a ham sandwich for lunch?"

by Centered Realist February 12, 2010

7👍 18👎

Political Bulshit

Putting human beings into labelled categories.

Let us label many people so it's easy to discriminate against them.

Political Bulshit: labelling human beings into categories is discrimination.

Label people as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or Straight. (Don't label us, we're human.)

Labelled race Black, White, Chinese, etc. (Don't label us, we're human.)

Every time a group of people are labelled. We are divided.

Have you ever heard the saying divided We fall, united we stand strong and tall?

(Black lives matter) This is racist, Black people are not the only humans on the planet. we should be respecting each other. Black Lives Matter was set up to start a racial war between black people and all the other races around the world.

We are slowly being labelled and this is causing havoc, wars, and disrespect. Around the world.

by Unlabelled human. June 3, 2022

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politically correct

An Idea.

Bob: Wow, Bananas sure are tasty! They're so much better then stupid mangos.

Bill: Bob...Isn't the politically correct thing to say that all fruits are equal?

Bob: Well, i was just trying to state my opinion on how amazing bananas are.

Bill: Your being ignorant Bob! All fruit are equally nutritious and tasty. Some people can find your opinion very offensive and it's not fair for them!

Bob: So what you're saying is i can't express my love for fruit?

Bill: Oh, you can express your love for fruit, but in a safe and nonoffensive way.

Bob: ...

Bill: :)

Bob: You're a jackass

by Po ta toe August 5, 2009

59👍 263👎

Nonstop politics

What the staff of this website seems to love and actively encourage on this site. I mean, look at the words they feature for “Word of the Day”.

Seriously, can you guys please keep the politics to a minimum? I’m tired of my email inbox and the homepage of this site constantly being filled with politics because the staff can’t stop putting political definitions as Word of the Day. I go here to learn what slang means, not to have another mainstream political soap box. I’m not telling you you can’t feature political words at all for the rest of this website’s span. I’m just saying IT’S TIRING TO SEE NONSTOP POLITICS HERE! I DON’T WANT TO SEE THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AGAIN! FEATURE A DIFFERENT TYPE OF WORD FOR ONCE IN YOUR FUCKING LIFETIME! PLEASE!

...Thank you for your consideration. Rant over.

by nlolhere June 22, 2020

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kardashian politics

When a person engages in lazy buzz word politics in a debate. Especially when the word is used incorrectly, as the Kardashians did with the word literally.

That guy is a snowflake troll!

Democrats are terrorists!

John can’t debate like an adult, he has to resort to Kardashian Politics because he is a moron and has no critical thinking skills. He just calls people a racist or a troll when he’s proven wrong.

by Pryde99 March 20, 2018

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Kardashian Politics

People who use phrases that have clbevoke buzzwords constantly and out of context are utilizing the incredibly lazy form of political debate known as Kardashian Politics. Kardashian Politicians love to insert these terms into a debate while having no idea how to use the term properly.

Tim and Tom are speaking about politics. Tim says Tom is triggered because Tom disagrees with him. Tim is using Kardashian Politics because he refuses to engage in a real political debate and relies on immature ad hominem attacks.

Tom says Tim is a snowflake because Tim can’t handle ‘the truth’ that Tom’s opinion is so clearly correct. Tom is engaging in Kardashian Politics by relying on a ‘slur’ to ad hominem attack rather than focus on addressing the point being discussed.

Tim calls Tom a homophobe because Tom says he personally isn’t gay and doesn’t agree with that lifestyle in general. Tim is using Kardashian Politics to attack Tom’s character rather than allow Tom to have an opinion, even if Tom supports gay marriage.

Tom accuses Tim of using a “logical fallacy” because Tim can’t muster up the intellectual capacity to form an articulated response. Tom doesn’t understand logical fallacies. He heard the term once and decided to use Kardashian Politics instead of researching data that would prove in reality who has facts behind their stance.

Tim makes an argument without sourcing his data. His Kardashian Politics will not allow him to make sure his opinion is based on facts and reality.

Tom disagrees profusely with Tim and asks him to source his argument. Tom could do a simple google search that would prove Tim wrong, but is too lazy. Kardashian Politics.

by Pryde99 February 21, 2018

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