Source Code

Out the Pound

To a flip pound or pounds of weed. The profit after a pound or pounds of weed is pushed. This money is often spent and usualy a drug dealers money for the weekend. Once monday comes he is back in the pound making money till he comes out

Ay you got that?
Nah im out the pound, ill let u kno.

by drerwr December 21, 2009

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pounding the rock

When you jerk off Dwayne Johnson

I love pounding the rock he's so muscular

by Dwayne the rock Johnson June 25, 2015

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cross pound

A fist pound in which both participants cross their arms, make fists on each hand, and pound the other person's fists.
Seen from above, it would look something like oxxo with the o's being the people's heads, and the x's their crossed arms. A cross pound is used when a regular pound is just not enough.

That was a wicked burn, that deserves a cross pound!

by Doctor Swiing August 24, 2007

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piss pound

To total demolish a woman's vagina or rectal cavity. To obliterate complete sensation in either orphace. To make her never want to have sex because the pain is so bad it would be like taking a 30 lbs shit.

by Vince March 22, 2003

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Pangster Pound

when you have hot sex all night long and in the morning you walk like a penguin who was attacked by gansters. This often happens to begginers in the sex department.

hmm think of your own

by amykins April 2, 2005

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clover pounding

The relentless, savage, and ultimately brutal ass raping of an irish man

Guy1: dude i thought your dad was straight.

Guy2: He is.

Guy1: Then y was he clover pounding Riley McDougle's dad at the bar last night.

by Ya Moma? August 28, 2005

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dog pound

the tapping of two fists together following the conclusion of something sweet, or solid.

Seriously dude, that was solid. *dog pound*

by M-money March 8, 2004

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