Something so stupid that teachers do. Everyone leaves.
Someone: What is so boring for you
Also Someone: ReAd AlOuD
Something that teachers assign nearly every night. Students don't usually give a crap and read the assigned material, only to be in shock when there's a quiz on it the next day. On Rate My Professors, they can easily be denoted if they have the Get Ready to Read tag.
I heard our new teacher's a really tough grader. He puts out reading assignments every class and ends up quizzing you on it the next day.
If a gacha game has a cn/jp version that is ahead from the global version it will have a "global/EN can't read" moment
It is said in communities especially in Arknights and it basically means that a global player misunderstands or misread the content in the cn/jp version and makes a drama out of it or when it comes out in the global version, players will not read it and may suffer the consequences.
Ishar-mla: Have you heard of another new permanent game mode in the cn version? Someone translated it and it is gonna be is3 with the is2 gamemode
Calcite: So they're replacing the permanent game mode called is2? Creator of this game is a dumbass because is2 is the best thing to come out. Let's stop playing is2 since it'll be replaced later
Kevin: "Global can't read" moment
Destreza: but both of them is permanent...
An epic online discussion that requires at least an hour, a comfy seat and snack.
I'm gonna have to wait til I get off work to get into this Pro 2nd Amendment discussion on Facebook. Its definitely a read.
Is generally for women who are performing a blowjob but due to a disinterest starts to read his underwear (normally comic book related underwear).
I got so bored during the blowjob I started to comic reading his boxers.
Phonetic Reading Disorder or Phonetic RD is the inability to read or comprehend words spelled non-phonetically, resulting in poor to non-existent reading capabilities.
"I was diagnosed with Phonetic RD, which explains why I have so much trouble reading."
"I can't read because of my Phonetic Reading Disorder. "
Verb. To skim a written text, just to be able to claim you have read it, without actually understanding it.
Todd Trump-read Preacher, so that he could move on to more culturally significant comics, like Sleepwalker.
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