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lying son of a bitch

i'm still upset about this guy...
see tag below for the story

just you wait, you fat bastard. it's almost Christmas Eve, you lying son of a bitch.

by Bumblebee Transformer Kid May 28, 2010

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Stupid Son of a Bitch

The most completely encompassing insult one can possibly convey to another human being. First, a general insult is made, but then it becomes personal.

God damnit Bill, you're a stupid son of a bitch.

by JonReremy March 7, 2009

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You Son of a Bitch

A phrase yelled at someone to show that you despise them and think that their mother is a whore. It is a phrase used by certain awkward, big nosed people when they are angry. One way to anger such a person would be to, for example, inadvertently hit said person in the testicles with a frisbee. This phrase is best yelled while attempting to kick whomever hit you with the aforementioned frisbee, although the kicking can be rendered useless by your target keeping you at a distance with his long arms.

*Person 1 accidently hits the awkward person in the testicles with a frisbee.

Person 1: Oh shit dude, i'm sorry! Are you alright?

Awkward person: You Son of a Bitch!

*the awkward person attempts to kick person 1 only to be thwarted by person 1's long arms and non-awkward disposition.

Person 1: Dude, what the fuck are you doing?

by thatguy135 August 31, 2010

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son of a batch of cookies

a name you call a major asshole when you don't want to say any wordy dirds.

I hate you, you son of a batch of cookies.

by Ashlia October 28, 2007

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ah shee son

ah-shee-son v. inte. Pronounced: AH-shee-soYnn

Surprised by something; overwhelmed

excited; very happy

Example 1:
JaJa: Dude, new episode of CSI: Miami is on
GenGen: Ah shee son!

Example 2:
JaJa: ...
GenGen: wat
JaJa: Halo 4 exclusively for PS4
GenGen: Ah shee son.

by Rodolfo S.J, October 17, 2006

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Minhee Son

A type of very addictive drug.

Man, that drink is such a freaking Minhee Son!

by UncleAndysCandy April 29, 2011

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step son

Ur step son

Mom did u just fuck ur step son

by Mr c u m want er October 28, 2018

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