A sexual act whereby a person performs a rim job on another person during the event of explosive diarrhoea in order to splash plate the excreted fluids over themselves and their partner
Can you splash plate me tonight?
The outcome of forced downward ejection of urine forcing loo water onto the underneath of the toilet seat.
Lesley you just caused under splash in the downstairs toilet.
When your massively dense turd splashes the toilet water and proceeds to wetten your ass, in the end making it easier to scrub your cheeks.
"Did you drop something in the tub Richard?" "No, I just had a sphincter splash."
When you are eating juicy banana in the WC, and you splash it on a guy's face.
Andrew: -Shit, how that guy came out from toilet?
Matthew: -Yeah, he got some banana on his face, I think he got the splashing banana.
laughing so hard that you queef while you’re free bleeding
“No funny business during today’s meeting. I don’t wanna splash…”
Splash is a phrase used by basketball players all over the country. If one could merely exhort "splash" in lieu of a "good shot" or "bang."
*steph curry shoots* " SPLASH "