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orange person

A new race of people. They wear wayyyy to much bronze make-up and therefore look like oranges.

See ugly

My sister is an orange person.

by Allie Balalie March 2, 2005

38πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

fake person

1.)A person who acts like something they are not to gain "popularity" typically a Cheerleader, prep ... anything the like
although popularity is a truly non-existant thing as an example a "popular" girl... is only "popular" amongst her "popular" friends and therefore no more truly popular than a "nerd" "emo kid" or anything else.. because they all more or less have the same ammount of friends
cheerleaders and football players think they are "popular" but in reality they are only popular amongst themselves
the other "people groups" such as "gangsta" "goth" "punks"
"skaters" "hicks" w/e ETC all actually hate their guts and think they are fake peices of shit with no real personailty
2.)someone who basically just follows w/e MTV tells them to like and do... and buys shitty CDS from artists like Ashley simpson , brittney spears , Ne-yo , Cartel , and many other talentless crappy sounding poor excuses of musicians, also dresses in whatever they are told is "trendy" usually crap like hollister ambercrombie and fitch etc etc
3.) basically someone who is just not true to themself and only does things to try to impress other people in an attempt to make friends , often will even do drugs if someone tells them its "cool"
4.)see prep

1.)A girl has no friends and no personality either... so she decides shes going to be a cheerleader so that she will make other fake people friends and hopefully get laid by a football player

A guy with no friends and no personality either decides he wants to be "popular" so he will have friends so he plays football and whatnot

is truly a hollow victory because they are all only friends because they arent being themselves and they basically , waste their childhood grow up to be adults and realize they wasted their childhood by being someone they really weren't... and participating in sports they did not really like
2.)Bob is a fake person , deep down he hates the music on MTV and plays video games when none of his so called friends are around(and never tells them these things), and hates his "trendy" clothes... but he wants to fit in and be "popular" so he does whatever is "current and trendy"
his computer is secretly full of metal music but he has a seperate folder full of pop trendy shit from MTV for when his so called friends come over. etc
3.Ted : hey bob you should try crack ... all the popular kids are doin it man !!
Bob : (tries the crack)
5 years later Bob dies in a crack related overdose

by Tony_ July 17, 2006

212πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž

MY person

your first love, a person you will never not have at least some feels for. someone you cant stop loving no matter how much you try because they will always hold a special place in your heart.

Josh: I thought you were over him?
Jessica: No, hes MY person, i will never be fully over him

by jbug12 March 18, 2018

89πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

comfort person

a comfort person is someone you go to for help. a person who’d do ANYTHING for you.

β€œwhat is she to you”
β€œshe’s my comfort person”

by kennaisavirgin on tiktok November 24, 2020

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Random Person

1. A person does something suddenly.
2. A person you don't know.
3. Used in my examples, usually based on definition 2.

Random Person: "Hi. "

by 17G December 6, 2011

63πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Example Person

A term used to replace names to avoid misinterpretation of external humane involvement in explanation of terms. Often followed in suit by an appropriate number if multiple Example Persons are required

Example Person #1:I entered a definition into urban dictionary and used Example Person instead of a random name to be an example of a person who says pro-single sex marriage phrases to avoid arousing ire from those who may believe I am insulting a personal contact of mine.
Example Person #2:Good idea, definitions and interpretations on urban dictionary can become truly ambiguous with the involvement of monikers.

by Wincrest December 11, 2006

34πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

great person

Anyone who achieves something & has a name for himself in history showing & making people remember his name is considered great in any given field . Doing work which is useful to mankind or making people happy can make you a great person too.

MJ , Newton,Aparajith,Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa, Einstein great person

by kittylove78 December 15, 2011

34πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž