Source Code

Badger Walking

Using the journey to a destination or location as an excuse to pass gas.

Meg: I think I’m going to the store today.

Jade: What are you going to buy?
Meg: Nothing, I’m just going to be badger walking there and back.

by Eggyeggtoo June 5, 2024


a animal that is really fucking cool

dude badger is so cool

by 1337badgers December 26, 2020


Dangerously Crazy Devil Skunk


by Crazyfrikncatcher April 5, 2021


A mystical gifted but slightly dubious woodland creature, who is more potent in moonlight. Has been spotted knocking around with San, Dee, and wee special Sue in the Dublin area

"Oh look, it's badger and her bandits. Jesus what ever you do, don't look her in the eyes. You don't want to end up like wee mental Kevin from Rathcoole, sure his face looks like his arsehole now, it was a pure mauling!!!"

by Badgerhands October 14, 2020


A word used to confirm it’s correct or you’re acknowledging you remember something.

Example 1:
Ben: What was the name of our Geography teacher in year 9?

Sam: Oooh errrr, Mr Geofferson!?

Ben: Aaah yes that’s the Badger.
Example 2

Amy: Pass us the 10mm socket for this wrench.

Jen: Is this the right one?

Amy: Yeah that’s the badger, pass it here.

by Samwisethegreat April 19, 2020


Whilst this may be a noun for the little black and white animal that sniffles amongst leaves, nibbles on earthworms and digs muddy holes at nighttime, the word 'badger' has an entirely alternate definition in another context. This word can be used to describe anyone who is caught sneaking around other people's business where they're not wanted and joining in on other people's banter of which he does not comprehend. Using the terms 'badgery' and 'badgering' also carry the same meaning.

Person L: "I've fookin had enough of that little badgery boy Steven joining in on our banter"
Person J: "I know exactly what ya mean mate, he's always badgering around in our business ennit"

by Los Bantros de Frazola November 26, 2014


A term used to describe a really hot female, for discreet purposes! e.g. a tampon!

maaan check the badger 6 oclock!

by sarah boot September 24, 2005