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bait and switch

Scientology with less religion, defined by the economic advantage of conning in a customer (or oftenly 'sucker') by teasing them in with a deal or other great benefit but then as they are about to pay the deal are told that the original product is not available but that a substitute is. They then employ the people to then buy a more expensive item. The original product is never revealed to the person, it is an easy economic trick

In bait and switch, a thetan is a sucker and tom cruise is the guy on the billboard with shiny teeth

by the person who shall not be named September 9, 2007

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Jail bait

Latiah Jayde’! She is commonly found looking hot like an 18 year old. She Manages to find herself dating illegal seniors this is considered jailbait!

β€œWhen she’s only 14 so you grab out the draw 4 card.” - J

The word jail bait means to be illegal for seniors

by Jordan Nugara August 28, 2018

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Pougy Bait

Military term used for snacks,, Single good looking people that have the hots for military personal, Term of endearment used to refer to someone you love.
Anything sweet, anything you love..

Before you go in the field get yourself some pougy bait to take with you.. Singles club near a base is full of pougy bait.. I love you too pougy bait..

by The Woman Hooah! October 17, 2011

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Bait and Hatch

When a girl knows a guy is going break up with her, she has sex with him with the intention of getting pregnant so that he will not leave her.

Julia pulled a bait and hatch on Juan and it worked. He stayed with her for the sake of the baby.

by Tasha Doe November 24, 2009

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Number bait

When one person tells another person that they will give them their phone number, but instead trick them and give them someone else's . (normally some kind of fast food place or food shop)

"hey Tom can i get yo number"
"err...suree insert dominoes number}"
"text ya later ;)"


"Rachel you know that boy i was talking about who gave me his number"
"yeh sony,"
"i think he Number bait -ed me"

by BetterThanFhix September 10, 2017

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bait gazin

After catchin a big fish with a buddy, someone on another boat either asks what you're usin or creeps real close to try and see, usually both.

Catch fish

(guy on another boat)-Damn what are you usin

(You)-This mofo is bait gazin I ain't tellin him shit

by dirtydaly September 21, 2010

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rube bait

Essentially diversionary social issues like abortion or gay marriage.

β€œThe primary purpose of the GOP these days is to provide tax breaks and other financial advantages... to their wealthy donor base. All the rest of their platform, all the culture wars stuff, is simply rube bait.” -Mike Lofgren, author of The Party is Over (2012).

by See also Hunter S. Thompson October 1, 2019

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