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Claire and Shoncy

Claire and Shoncy: the modern day Romeo and Juliet. The 1967 movie of the same name talks of a couple who are bankrobbers travelling the country together.

Several songs have been written by duos with allusion to this, the most known being the '03 Claire and Shoncy by Jay-Z and Beyonce and the '96 Me and My Girlfriend by Tupac Shakur.


Man, me and my b****, we're like Claire and Shoncy together.

by Majeedesty July 9, 2017

lenneth claire

She is kind,humble,caring and in love with rosé park.

My name is Lenneth Claire

by lclaire June 7, 2021

lizzy claire

That one girl who’s got everything going for her. Also very good looking

Ay yo check it out, Lizzy Claire’s here.

by bigdickprads August 24, 2020

Claire Ashworth

Defined as a Dirty sket, riddled with stds, has probably shagged your grandad. Very sorry better hide him no one is safe.

What’s that coming over the hill is a hex bug ?

No you silly twat its a Claire Ashworth and her flappy ham wallet

by Bighairyfuckinballsacks April 7, 2020

Claire Friendly

Term used to describe a noun which enhances the wellbeing of, or does not cause emotional or physical harm to a Claire.

Synonyms: eco friendly, gluten free, dairy free, organic, unscented, art, dancing, chicken stock, mutts, nature walks, home cooking, granny panties, warm lighting, Gua Sha, herbal remedies, clothes that feel like pajamas, reduce reuse recycling, GAPS foods, heating pads, warm weather, cuddles, traditional Chinese medicine, probiotics, using white vinegar to solve all of your problems.

Antonyms: gluten, synthetic fragrances, bras, fluorescent lighting, dairy, horrors/psychological thrillers, pesticides, fast food, sports, chewing gum, refined sugar, wastefulness, chlorine, being overstimulated, pork, fluoride, malls, vaping, thongs, disposable plastics, running, alcohol, Langford, really cold water, caffeine, hospitals, but also; being too far away from hospitals.

Hey, I want to invite Claire to this party in Langford where people go to get drunk and play sports in a chlorinated pool while vaping and chewing gum, but you know her better than I do so I wanted to check if you think it’s Claire friendly. It starts really late, but there are really bright overhead LED lights, loud top 40 music and sugary caffeinated energy drinks so I think that will help keep her energy up. I want it to be a surprise though so I’m gonna bring a thong and bra with the clothing tags still inside that I washed with tide laundry detergent that she can wear since she won’t have a bathing suit. What do you think? Claire friendly?

by Tree trunk 11 February 13, 2024

Claire Shellerk

A girl that likes shells

Dang Claire Shellerk got some new shells!
Bro really? Let me see

by The Girl That Posts April 29, 2022

claire drake

weird whyte bitch that overuses aave and has a crazy ass fanbase

Isa: Bruh I really wanna beat tf outta that bitch Claire Drake.
Kana: Me too we should jump her :))))

by sickgirlkai November 29, 2021