Something unexpectedly badass done by someone not particularly badass, making the deed more unexpected and more badass.
IE: When Pam walked over burning coals in The Office.
Bob: Hey, did you see that episode of The Office where Pam did the coal walk?
Debbie: Yeah! She was totally badass! I didn't see it coming.
Dave: Yo! Did you hear Jessica got her nipple pierced?
Jack: Holy shit, for real? But she's innocent! Damn...that's a coal walk!
Emma: Oh my god! Jack told me he loved me last night!
Shannon: Wow, really?
Emma: Yeah, it was so sweet! I totally didn't see it coming!
Shannon: Yeah, what a coal walk!
It's a quick trip to the ice house
A quick trip to the ice house X 3
A figure walks behind you
A shadow walks behind you
A figure walks behind you
A shadow walks behind you
You X 7
A figure walks behind you
A shadow walks behind you
A figure walks behind you
A shadow walks behind you
You X 3
And now tales of horror
Which father told me
They never scared me
But they're always in the blind
You cannot see
That figure behind you
Behind you x 2
You x 2
That figure kept on walking
Behind you
There's a man on my trail X 4
He's also behind you
Behind you X 4
That figure kept on walking X 4
Behind you X3
A figure walks 3
A stroll with the specific purpose of looking at other people. Specifically, a walk around a campground to look at other campers, campsites, and camping gear
Let's take a glass of wine and go for a gawk walk before doing the dishes.
One who is always funny bringing up the best jokes, quotes, memes, and vines
Jake is a walking meme, he is so funny.
When a person walking in the opposite direction as you changes direction when you change direction in an attempt to pass each other but you just end up awkwardly right in front of each other. trying change directions again.
Sorry I'm late, I got stuck in a really long walking limbo with that kid from Spanish with the bad hair.
The act of wearing too tight short-shorts (or any tight apparel; jeans, leotard, pantyhose, panties, etc., in the crotch) , causing a 'camel-toe' to appear as the fabric of the shorts splits the labia majora to the vagina, then stopping every few steps to remove them from the vagina. Usually performed by pubescent girls in theme parks.
Performing the same function for public self-gratification.
"Doesn't that girl look ridiculous walking the camel?"
"Does she enjoy walking the camel?
"Why doesn't she buy comfortable shorts instead of walking the camel? "
"Wow, dude! That hot chick is walking the camel!"
"I like to wear tight shorts to Disney World and walk the camel until I cum."
"I tease myself in public by walking the camel. "
" I love to walk the camel in public and get off without anyone knowing. "
" With the seam of my jeans deep inside, I start my day by walking my dog AND my camel. "
A incel or neckbeard with the pure purpose of spreading their gross opinions. Typically they smell like onions, have a scruffy neck beard and sterotypically wear a fedora. They're almost wrong 99% of the time and have gross behavior.
Did you see the new kid? Talk about a Walking Fedora.
I think you just found a Walking Fedora.
That person smells like onions! (gagging) Walking Fedora.