Something someone says when trying to nicely describe their in-laws being abnormal
Jess’s family is weird as dirt
Feels really good but you know it shouldn’t be feeling nice
My feet are tingling and it feels really good but I just know it shouldn’t but it feels nice but weird
For pennies a day get your college diploma
You're all I have left and I pray that you'll listen to one weird tip
Typically used in discord reaction gifs, “Shut up bro, you’re weird” is the worst thing you could ever say to anyone. Best used against people yapping, aka oversharing.
Jimmy: “Ever heard of this game called Genshin Impa-“
Yvette: “Shut UP bro you’re WEIRD!!!!”
1 am
That time of the night when all the freaks come out
“Wanna go to cook out?”
“Fuck no, it’s weird hour”
A weird Ari is a strange human being who thinks he is a donkey. He is extremely insane and likes doing jumping jacks.
“Jeez, that dude over there is a real Weird Ari”
A slang term for people who can’t figure out a way to describe this feeling.
The (usually neutral) feeling of not knowing how to react to an action or statement made by another person.
( probably some sort of brain fart)