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A word you use to describe gay behavior without getting in trouble

Person 1: you see that guy looking at his friends ass?
Person 2: yeah that's gray bro

by Sheeshbussin December 9, 2021


Gray is the name of a handsome guy with huge intelligence.

Gray is a genius

by Ggkkyy November 22, 2021


A cute chick that makes everyone around her feel amazing. Gray is sweet and beautiful.

I think I'm in love with Gray.

by TennesseeMan February 4, 2022


Gray is a amazing person who is kind and has tons of friends, he is always ready to help someone if they need it and is a pleasure to be around, he also has Mad rizz and can get all the bitches

Girls: “is that gray?!” “I think so he has Such nice hair!” *faints*

Gray pulls mad bitches

by Y o u r M o t h e r November 1, 2022


Bitter, unsweetened

Woah dude, look at Gray, they are such a scaredy-cat!
I heard Gray is really annoying!
Gray seems very bitter

by Gray/Gr4y March 26, 2022


Gray is the best friend in the whole world. They are a great listener with a unique sense of humor, and his creativity and kindness are infectious. Grays are passionate about their interests, steadfast in their beliefs, and a special presence in anyone’s life.

Work is really stressing me out right now. I’m gonna text Gray and ask them if I can vent. They’re such a supportive friend.

by Iwannabeadoor August 14, 2021


Gray is the coolest dude you know he loves sports, his friends and has a big cock

"DUDE" "yeah?" "GRAY HAS SUCH A BIG DICK" "bro wtf"

by Piper young March 30, 2023