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Planet Z

1. Place in the middle of nowhere
2. See bumble fuck

I'm not drivin your ass to Planet Z, I'm low on gas

by ABJ March 21, 2005

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

the z word

can someone tell me what the fuck the z word means, i saw it on a tiktok about black people saying to white people they can’t say the end word but then the white person brings up β€œthe z word” what the fuck

white: n****
black: you can’t say the n word

white: then you can’t say the z word

black: what?

by torieatsass July 6, 2021

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Generation Z

The most spoiled, and lazy generation out all the others combined (not to mention dumbest) as parents of this generation don't believe in spanking their kids, and buy them Ipads. Instead of going outside gen Z often stays on the computer for hours on end belittling previous generations typos eventually instead of reading a book resulting in laziness, and obesity. This generation often makes themselves feel cool by trying to channel fashions from the 80s and 90s such as destressed jeans, ruffle skirts, and plaid shirts but it's obvious they suffer greatly from identity issues among other things. Zrs like talking down, and critisizing other generations but can't take what they dish out.

Baby Boomer: Peace man!!!!
Generation X: Long live Cobain!!!!
Generation Y/Millenial: Creed is the best band that ever lived!
Generation Z: I wish I could buy an iPad, but I'm in debt!

by Crimson811 August 9, 2015

154πŸ‘ 219πŸ‘Ž

z jay

Getting your dick sucked and or your balls licked while you are sleeping.

zzz...zzz...zzz... z jay, SHAZAM zzz...zzz...zzz

by Bukaki Johnson January 8, 2011

31πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

z berg

z berg is in the like and she is a babe and 1/2 regardless of her extreme love for everything yam-related

z berg should consider changing her name this is getting repetative

by boobahlah November 24, 2006

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z job

If you don't know. You can't afford it.

Wait what exactly is a Z job?

by xbuRx September 23, 2007

181πŸ‘ 257πŸ‘Ž

Generation Z

Today's children and teenagers... not Gen Y, which are now currently 20 somethings. Born from 1991-present, these are the kids that are born under a computer and have no past memory of life during the Cold War. They grow up with cell phones, iPod's, Hannah Montana, High School Musical, MySpace, YouTube, and homeland security.

They are similar to the greatest generation and they tend to me more ambitious and more mature than any other generation past the Silent Generation.

My kid loves Hannah Montana and is hooked onto an iPod... she must be a Generation Z person.

by Lil Duff 2008 June 17, 2008

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