Mad Scientist kid who builds a laser ray gun in his grandparent's living room that he is living in to help pay for college, randomly appearing on many laser forums in 2011.
Laser Kid says, "Don't forget to align the switches beforehand"
Laser Kid says, "Why does the cat sh*t have to be right next to the power cord?"
When you suck at a video game.
Paul: *Gets shit on in a game*
Demauriel: You're booty kid.
That one kid in school who wears a peacoat and flat cap of some sort. They are usually shady characters and are quiet but pretty chill if you know them. Don't ever mess with their friends or you'll find a group of them waiting around a corner for you. They always tend to be Irish or Arab.
Bailey: You seen that guy Benjamin? He's a peacoat kid.
Jason: Yeah, he looks like he'd ambush me after dark and shoot me to death with a revolver or something fancy like that.
literally the koolest kid on the block! definitely ur best friend for life
Danni: "Hey! Have you seen Kool kid Sasha?"
Skiff: "Yeah! She's really cool!"
A 12 year old kid who pretends to be cool by misspelling cool. If you know someone who names themselves kool kid, leave them immediately, as they will be horrible to have in your life. They definitely play minecraft and/or roblox. They 100% have all F's. They make jokes like "ur mom", "didn't ask", "ratio", and countless others that no human finds funny.
Man, look at "kool kid" over there.
Kool kid is a fake cool kid. they are like fake air pods, even though they are the best they will not be accepted in society. Examples of a kool kid could include Navin Soma Sundaram.