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Swear Words

Words that people use there's ones that are not that bad but there's some that are really bad

John: he said swear words

Shawn: He said the F Word the S Word the B Word the A Word the D Word D i c k and the P Word

John: And the N Word

Shawn: what's the N Word

John: He said the N Word

Shawn: I don't know that word

John: Shawn you don't know the N Word it's ni-

by Goodgiy4321 March 29, 2024

Word moves

When your sexting someone instead of coming onto them in person.

I just put the word moves on you. Did you likey?

by Sinead Jackson April 4, 2020

sterling rauch word

Is the definition of a thick boi

Jimmy look at that thicc boi Sterling rauch word

by Billtjrejsbsjsbsvs January 20, 2018

There are enough words here already.


There are enough words here already.There are enough words here already.There are enough words here already.There are enough words here already.There are enough words here already.

by Tv April 3, 2024

There are enough words here already.


There are enough words here already. WRONG

by Tv April 3, 2024