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up your brown

Up your ass.

Boy: "So, will you see me naked?"

Mom: "No, I'll just cut a hole in your underwears and stick the thermostat up your brown."

by ljak November 23, 2021

Clown brown

It’s just like the Cleveland steamer but you’re dressed up as a clown ;)

{friend} why are you dressed up and a clown and smell like shit?

{me} shit dawg my girl just made me clown brown her

by Clown brown 👁👄👁 December 15, 2019

went down like bobby brown

Having sex with a feminist, who removes your testicules, thus making you a homosexual, and engaging in lewd sex acts.

* no relation to singer/crackhead Bobby Brown

Comes from the song by Frank Zappa

After that dyke cut Jim's balls off, he went down like Bobby Brown, and shoved a pineapple up his ass.

by Micklwes June 19, 2008

Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory

The theory that an intelligent pre-human race with entirely black sclera (eyes) evolved to the status of a civilization and technological mastery greater than that of the present human race on the planet earth, the population of which is entirely genetically manipulated and produced by cloning. These aliens/extra-terrestrials may inhabit any number of planets, including in our own solar system, and possess ultimate power over the earth according to the theory. Intelligent apes from before human history according to Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory cloned humanity and dominated them as slaves, and presently treat them lower than cats, dogs, and monkeys, treating all human beings as political chess pieces and science experiments.

Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory is depressing, but probably true.

by CoaltownBrown January 3, 2023

Brown Christmas

When the ground is covered in shit, rather than snow, on Christmas Day.

Usually experienced in wastelands or along the equator.

Key West experienced their first Brown Christmas, after 2 feet if shitfall came down the night before.

by an idiot thats an idiot December 28, 2023

Brown Christmas

When you take a long tapered shit on Christmas morning that, upon pre-flush reflection, looks exactly like a miniature Christmas tree.

After eating all that Chinese food last night, I shat a brown christmas right before the dawn.

by Smegmid December 24, 2023

Brown Christmas

When a guy shits in his partners vagina during sexual intercourse

Guy 1 "yo, have you ever done the brown Christmas with your girl"
Guy 2 "no, wtf?"

by Ragulishious January 9, 2024