A person who eats cunts, is mean, and thinks he/she is better than everyone. You could also use this by calling someone it who has recently made you mad.
Wow parker, you're such a cunt muncher.
When a Man Pussy isn’t tight enough anymore.
He went to put it in Ro’s ass and almost fell in. Dude you’re so loose it’s become a butt cunt.
Someone, typically an adolescent, who uses the fact that he plays hockey as an excuse to be an asshole and extremely sensitive to anything regarding him/her.
As Al goes in for the punch after Hockey Cunt insults him, Hockey Cunt says "You can't punch me, I play hockey bitch"
Paddy cunt is the name of a person or friend who is named Ben and is a cunt
Jack thirkill “Ben is such a paddy cunt”
Will Boyle “I thought I was a paddy cunt”
Jack thirkill “ how can you be a paddy cunt when your names will”
A sexy beast that you shouldn’t let near your mother. has a fat voluptuous cock and for sure a massive sick cunt.
Maia the sick cunt is a sick cunt.
A female who has sex with many people, usually when in a relationship.
Cindy cheated on Tom again, she sure has a curious cunt!