A hideous, tasteless, joyless substance eaten by Americans to defy God and Europe.
The amount of plastic used to pack processed cheese slices has killed at least a billion turtles, and the cheese itself has contributed to every heart attack recorded since 1911.
"Mmmm," said the North American. He could not say more. His teeth had gotten stuck together from eating too much processed cheese.
When a friend shoving a Cheese stick far up another friends ass as a form of punishment (platonically)
"James did you here about Jessica getting cheese stick Torture 😱"
To "dip" out on paying someone. To straight up embarrass someone. To act a fool.
"Dude you totally chili cheesed Hop City after the tournament was over."
"Dude you chili cheesed that dude about getting weird."
"We got weird and chili cheesed last night."
A pancake with cheese or whipped eggnog
It a way of saying really, actually and on god. If you don’t say it your a bata male who pulls no bitches and has a cook 2 inches or less.
Timmy : I got a girlfriend.
SuperChad : Word on my cheese?!
jhon deacons favourite snack (bass player of queen band)
"bro wassup with the queen fandom loving cheese on toast" "bro its cause its jhon deacons fav"
Cheese on toast is Grilled cheese on top of a piece of bread. Cheese on toast is John Deacon's favourite dish, something that is made fun of in the Queen Fandom.
-Let's have some Cheese On Toast.
-Pft who are you? John Deacon?