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Pregnancy Cheese

The off white to yellow discharge that builds up on the clitty litter catcher of the girls panties. Pungent and awful. An odd cheese that does not go well with cracker, fruit or by itself. Only the bravest of cocksman will attempt to devour this cheese.

Gloria didn’t trust that I would be here after the baby is born, so I ate her pregnancy cheese coated panties. I think I’m going to be sick.

by Smitty45 May 29, 2018

Drip Cheese

An insult you direct towards someone who has bested you or you have bested in a gaming session.
Has same meaning as Dripple, Drip Dick/Dick Drip, or Dripple Cheese.

"YOU DRIP CHEESE" - "DRIPPLE!" - "no legged fuck, DICK DRIP"

by DarkerThanDickson December 3, 2021

I like my cheese drippy bruh

Slang created by content creator/influencer/wrestler/dead body shower "Logan Paul"

I like lunchables cheese its so good bro

Nah man lunchlys is clearly better I like my cheese drippy bruh

by I like my cheese drippy bruh October 10, 2024

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i like my cheese drippy bruh

The act of Logan Paul saying: "I like my cheese drippy bruh" upon comparing Lunchly's so called "drippy cheese" to that of Lunchable's so called "sticky cheese"

"Come in close and look at the queso cheese in Lunchly, versus whatever that is. Drip versus stick. I like my cheese drippy bruh."

by SkibidiRizzChiz November 26, 2024

I like my cheese drippy bruh

Typically used when receiving gluck gluck from a bad biddy and you don’t mess with it and want her to stop.

Ayo, Bad Biddy, I like my cheese drippy bruh!

by I Like My Cheese Drippy October 17, 2024

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cheese on her phone ;-;

a common misheard lyric by the popular singer Ayesha Erotica. the original is "she's on her phone", however due to distorted audio edits the phrase has morphed. most usually found on tiktok, accompanied by phrases "erm who gave _ sapphire ;-;" and "local where? ;-;"

tiktok comment: cheese on her phone ;-;

by 8.a.cheezburger January 2, 2024

nigga cheese

A black male with a cheesy substance on him

"Damn he looks like nigga cheese"

by Japteshwar January 24, 2021