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Down symptom

Another misspell of the word "down syndrome". It's used to make fun of someone for fun.

Bro, do you have down symptom?

I swear this guy has down symptom.

by Zetrohix November 14, 2023

Brady Down

The greatest party house known to man-kind. Consisting of many beers and late night bangers. If Brady Down is rocking, all are welcome to come knocking.

“Hey man are you going to Brady Down this weekend?”

Does a duck with a boner drag weeds?! Of course I’ll be there

by Treecity252 August 10, 2021

Honk Down

to eat voraciously

Did you actually eat egg salad, or did you just honk down on six boiled eggs?

by janesayshi August 24, 2020

honk down

to eat voraciously

“Did you make egg salad or did you just honk down on six boiled eggs?”

by catty3020 August 24, 2020

Dicked Down December

DDD is time for all my non-single ladies to get Dicked Down by their man on December.

"Hey, tomorrowis December 1st so it's gonna be Dicked Down December"
"Really? I should talk to my girlfriend about this, hope she doesn't mind getting dicked down"

by marieioll November 3, 2023

throw some shit down

a non-gross sounding term to define masturbation/"jerking off"/"busting a nut"/idek what else but all of these terms sound gross, with just the syntax

"She had the place to herself all day and was just trying to throw some shit down when her roommate unexpectedly knocked loudly on the door."

"My ex always tried to tell me how often I should throw some shit down...that's why I broke up with them."

by darfefe24 March 15, 2021

Jason Down

To use a female for his own sexual needs while he keeps his spouse/partner secluded from society at home

Im going to Jason Down Brians homegirl

by Cantouchtis January 6, 2018