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Fortnite kid

A child who only play’s fortnite all the there usually skinny no life’s or fat no life’s and they never go outside and they have no friend and fortnite is the only thing they talk about

You only play fortnite what no life fortnite kid

by Ejeisisjiwsi November 21, 2022

Fortnite kid

A kid that has never seen the light of day

The fortnite kid didn’t go outside

by art_life_09 April 16, 2022

Fortnite Kid

Someone who spends 25 hours everyday just to shit on a random player. Usually nine years old, smells like BO and loves grilled cheese

Don't play with Tate, he is a fortnite kid.

by Daniel not fornite kid April 5, 2022

Fortnite Kid

a 10-13 year old kid who grinds fortnite all day and it is annoying just to be around them. Typically with names like Jaden, Adam, or Gabe. They smell like musty towel and don't take showers. They say the n word and listen to dababy and polo g thinking theyre hard.

i freaking hate that Fortnite Kid

by athebot April 25, 2021

Fortnite kid

A kid who’s under the age of 10 and plays fortnite. Doesn’t go outside nor touch grass. Most of them are 7 year old kids. They don’t know what it feel’s like to smell fresh air.

Fortnite kids have no life” which is true

by Justsomenormaldude May 17, 2021

Fortnite Kid

Another term for a fatherless kid

Kid 1: look at that Fortnite kid!
Kid 2: I heard his dad left him when he was 2

by MCbossboy21 January 11, 2024

fortnite kid

a annoying person who plays fortnite and ruins the game for people (couper) they try to be funny evan tho there not they are the bain of hummanity and if you see one you should kill it.

hey look its a fortnite kid

by Wizdragon001 March 2, 2022