When someone you wanna point out is in the bottom right, this inspired by 'ignore the nigga at bottom right'
Yoo look at the bottom right nigga LMAO, yeah right there on the bottom right
when a niga draws a +2 it is a nigga nigga
I have pulled out a nigga nigga you nigga
its a dare btw this word is not real
the Professy Nigga is a person that spreads prophecies around to random people online. they also spelled “prophecy” wrong which adds to the humour. they choose their targets at random so people never know who’ll be next. their “prophecies” also seem to be complete nonsense.
Person A: hey someone told me last night that I was gonna lose a show
Person: that wasn’t a person, that was the Professy Nigga
When you see a nigga with a rollie on his wrist you boonk his ass
"Ouh maaan you see this nigga rollie imma boonk a nigga ass*takes the rollie* BOONK GANG WHOLE LOTTA GANG SHIT!!!"