when you fart in the car and your parents have to open the window
I smashed babygirl so hard I think I might have broke her fart box....
Farting a lot in an isolated/confined area, without open windows or doors.
Damn did you fart-box your room?! Cause it stinks.
Yeah I’ve been fart-boxing so it might smell bad.
An old fart means a very old man or woman. It’s describing an old person in a more insulting but oddly funny and light-hearted way.
“Well old fart, you aren’t getting any younger any younger.”
greedy president /some one whose in charge
Oh look the middle east is full of old farts
It is an impressively old gaming men whose Nix usually start with the letter G. They're so old that they sometimes confuse other people's ages as being old also, it is best to just play along as these old farts can't comprehend that they are the ancient ones
Hey did you happen to talk to those old farts Grimm and grizzly? Yeah! they called me an old! pay them no mind they're just senile!!!