The sexy part of the body in a man or boy the penis is also known as a dick or a cock it is used when urinating or having sex behind the penis is the balls
Friend what’s the sexiest part of a mans body
Me my penis and my balls
The sexies part of the mans body next to the balls the penis is also called a dick, the cock
Friend what’s the sexiest part of your body
Me my penis and my balls
The thing dudes have. Not all dudes have penises and not everyone with a penis is a dude.
Person 1 - “I have a penis”
Person 2 - “Cool”
A long magic stick you suck and or fuck girls with sex is fun porn porno porn porn porn porn magic stick icing comes out the top of your magic stick like it and eat it all up
Suck a dick if your cool and cum inside girls for free vbucks and get lots of girls babys and get lots of blowjobs 2. Being a penis is good.