When you drink too much red wine, your teeth get stained and you behave like a monster.
Nicole was puking in the bushes and turned into a "Red Toofed Monster" last night!
Just giving the word "tired" more than one syllable.
"Hey can we go on one more ride?!"
"NO dad! I'm sooooooooooo ty-red!" *yawns*
"Red Stu" is a abbreviation of Sir Rod Stewart
Red Stu has left the building
Noah Schnapp’s manager or something who is being rude to his fans.
Ew did u saw that video of that red shirt woman who pulled all Noah’s fans away
a mean woman with a red shirt on who pulls Noah Schnapp fans away from him
Ew did u saw that vid where the red shirt woman pulled Noah’s fans away?
Red shilled people are the tinfoil hats of the current generation.
The original meaning (red pilled) has its origins in The Matrix (Movie, 1999).
They don't listen to official sources (e.g. Media) but frequent forums that advertise consipracy theories and spread fear mongering (e.g. Alex Jones/ /pol/).
Since 'red pill' refers to the ultimate truth and nothing but the truth, red shilled users easily associate with posts/articles that claim to be red pilled or are advertised this way.
The irony is, that red shilled people suspect the media to be brainwashing them while in fact they are letting themselves be brainwashed by people that in a lot of cases just want to see the world burn (e.g. 4chan).
The red pill meme is also often used by Alt Right groups in order to distribute false or misleading information.
Phrases that might be used by a red shill:
'Women allow refugees to openly exploit our countries'
'Feminism is the cancer of the modern society'
'The cloud people are behind this'
'The government contaminates tap water in order to steralize males'
Example in a sentence:
"Holy fuck you are red shilled beyond recognition, corrupted doesn't even begin to describe it"
Red Splasher - When a woman is on her rag, and a man isn’t scared to tap the bottom causing her to squirt red all over !!
Tonight Karl is making Amy a Red Splasher!