(Noun). The warm, viscous ejaculate of cum produced by a male from the northeast region of the United States- a ‘clam chowder’ of the seminal nature.
“You know Robbie? That guy in our class from Boston? I heard he blew some New England Special on Amy’s face last!”
The first of the year where people stay up all night till it's 12:00
Tonight I'm going to stay up till count down for new years eve
The overwhelming feeling of despair felt by someone who has escaped from New York upon returning. Usually felt within the first hours of arrival or with the sight of specific landmarks.
Felt most commonly by those from downstate NY with family or business ties that keep them coming back.
Coworker: I hear you moved to West Virginia, nothing but hicks out there right?
Me: No, it's actually quite advanced outside of the worst of the hollers.
Coworker: But do you ever miss home?
Me: Already do since I drove out 19 hours ago.
Coworker: Wow, you've got the New York Blues!
Not being able to remember new years night.
Could occour for multiple reasons.
"Cant remeber anything from last night, must of got hit with the new yearaphorm"
The love that two people have that aren’t afraid to make out anywhere, especially in the train station with trannys
Not being scared to show love physically
Friend : shit you got a swipe?
Me: nah just hop it
Friend: bet say less
Me: shit you see those crackheads fucking eachother
Friend: shittt that’s New Yorker love
A New England steam boat is when multiple people shit and don't flush, it continues until its full.
The plumbers came inside and New England steamboat my toilet.