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Dirty downing

The man, the legend, the one who deserves all your respect.

One day, I can’t wait to meet the infamousDirty Downing

by Admatt February 25, 2021

Blackcock Down

Blackcock down as we like to call it consists of a 10 second porno clip, where the actress is told absolutely nothing. While she awkwardly sits there on that lonely couch, the actor sprints full speed down the lane and viciously dick and ball slaps her across the face. Then quickly exits the building butt ass naked. That my friend is a Blackcock Down

I says your mom online last night. That Blackcock down nearly took out her lower lip. No wonder wht that mushroom cloud bruise looked suspense.

by ShaquilleThesenutstoyourchin September 22, 2019

Anchoring down

During sexual intercourse, you tie something heavy to the partners legs and hands restraining them from any movement, and ejaculating into their face as if drowning.

Last night, I was anchoring down my girlfriend until she could not breathe.

by Rodger Evans January 28, 2017

muffed down

When a lesbian gets fucked hard by another lesbian

Ellen really got muffed down by Portia last night.

by El_phantasmo April 20, 2017

Lay down

A sale that requires no effort from the sales person

We call him LDB, or lay down Bryan because of his luck at the door with customers ready to buy

by November 22, 2023

Lay Down

Accepting your sentence without snitching, cooperating, or trying to cut a deal. It implies staying solid, doing your time, and not folding under pressure

If you catch a case, Lay Down and do your time like a real one—no talking, no snitching.

by Insouciant Bastard February 23, 2025

Spicy pineapple upside down cake

When you give a urine sample offer this as a specialty; spin the rim of the sample cup in your bleeding vagina, next dip rim in tajin, following - fill the cup with your urine. Serve with the cap underneath.

I went to the Public Health Clinic and served them my Spicy Pineapple Upside Down Cake...

by Bigteenus March 19, 2021