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Down Bad

depressingly horny, to the point where the anti-horny tabs are much needed.

1 Girl: Damn he's cute can I want him to tie me up.

2 Girl: Bro you down bad fr-

by Unknown Weirdo'.- June 1, 2022

Down Bad

A pitiful state of lowering one's standards so low that they do or say things that are considered deplorable or horrendous; usually referring to a male desperate for a female's attention (a simp).

"Those guys buying the gamer girl bath water online are down bad."

"He was so down bad for her that he stalked her profile, constantly spamming her with messages."

by Womantis January 23, 2022

Down Bad

When someone is sayingratio

He is so down bad that he is trying to ratio people on Twitter for dopamine

by RobbyTheFroggy December 28, 2021

Down bad

When someone is NOT sexually attracted to somebody but would still have sex with them because they are depressingly horny.

"Man, I had sex with Melissa last night."
"What? But you told me she aint your type."
"She aint, but I'm down bad."

by The Bruh-Man February 2, 2021

Down Bad

Basically aarav khatri -

Hey is that kaitlynne?

Aarav Khatri:

by dacoqlover March 13, 2023

Down bad

One is horny and its really just sad, they don't even care anymore what they do.

-"Then something just snapped, something inside of me, I didn't care, I didn't care than being better than Kakarot, I didn't care about going super Saiyan, I DIDNT CARE IF I LIVED! Then... It happened." if you ever see a video with this sound, and a picture of someone, they really down bad.

by onedownbadmotherfucker January 24, 2023

Down bad

When someone is depressingly Savu

Boy1: I would die to touch her b00bs.. (Down bad)
Boy2: Maaaan... Don't be such a Savu..

by zayn999 December 16, 2021