Source Code

Do The Two

The act of taking a dump.

Johnny:Yo! I’m going to go Do The Two, BRB!
Ren: Ew! No need to be so graphic!

by theboatofra December 8, 2020

Do not read this mug

You read the mug. Lol

Do not read this mug is what you say when you dont want someone readying you're new UD mug
Co-Worker: Cool mug!
You: Lol, it says not to read it

by LambadaCore March 19, 2023

Do not be sorry. Be better

Something a big white dude said to his son when he missed his target

Atreus: I'm sorry

Kratos: Do not be sorry. Be better.

by ICouldn'tPickAName May 9, 2024

do the trick

A picture of plankton from spongebob saying do the trick

Person 1: Hello
Person 2: Do the trick
Person 1 and 2: :)

by Mrcheesgaybutsex June 21, 2023

To do a David

To do a David; when you're undertaking any boring or monontanous task. Derived from the name David - that guy who drives an orange Renault Megane but calls it African Sunset.

What you get up to this weekend? Oh, just doing a David. What's that? You know, To Do a David; planting the front garden border, insulating the loft, washing the Megane.

by Lionking69 June 1, 2017

do the cyan

A crack head woman gamer who fakes killing herself

Hey do the cyan u little cunt

by Adenoiddegree November 29, 2020

Do Something

A funny video originally made by deadlygamer6713
It has since been removed

Do something SAVAGE101 delete theses fuckers! From existence do it! Delete Vagina and Aeroplane

by SAVAGE1-01 December 19, 2021